Moments of Gratitude
Have you ever had one of those moments that just makes you pause in absolute appreciation for the moment you find yourself in?
I had one of those moments yesterday. I was cleaning up the dining room after dinner and saw my phone light up. Glancing down, I saw a $7.00 deposit from Medium had deposited into my bank account. Seven. While. Dollars.
While it might be only enough for a sandwich plus tax at lunch, it might as well been a lottery win. I immediately was overwhelmed with the feeling of success those seven dollars represented. They represented all of you who, while we don’t know one another, are finding value in what I right. Taking the time to read the articles, cheer me on, and even follow me at times.
It was a moment that took my breath away and equally sent a surge of energy through me. You see, it was the last day of my 30-day Smashing Keys challenge and the day before I started my Blog-Your-Own-Book (BYOB) challenge on my very own publication Living to Learn. Isn’t it amazing how life presents those moments that overwhelm you and fill you with gratitude?
I had another one today. I was grabbing a Starbucks before I came home to write my first entry for Living to Learn and I was nervous. I was doubting myself and wondering if I was biting off more than I could chew as I waited to order.
After ordering, I rolled forward in the line. From the car behind me a women got out and came up to tap on my window. Surprised I rolled down my window, expecting her to tell me there was a tail light out. Instead she said that she wanted to tell me that she wanted to say thank you for being so well-mannered and cheerful. I laughed and said thank you and then had to think about what it might have been that I did as I honestly had no clue.
Was it the car I had let go in front of me? Was it joking with the barista when I said good morning back to them even though it was almost three in the afternoon? I am not sure, but it brightened my day so much, washing away all my worrying about what and how to write my first post for a new publication that means so much to me.
So I took that moment of gratitude and paid for the woman’s coffee. Her act of kindness did more for me than she could ever know, calming my mind and even inspiring this post.
Imagine if we all took the time to appreciate those little moments that we might otherwise write off as due course for our efforts or as nothing more that odd encounters?